RV-Online Private Party "WANTED" Page | Do you have a part or RV that you are looking for? E-mail Us for rates and how to be listed here. |
WANTED:Wanted: 2021-2022 Rockwood Ultra Lite trailer model 2608BS, with media seating and dinette, light colored interior, Non-smoking. Even better if two A/C, slide toppers, 6V batteries. We're in Los Angeles, and prefer within two days drive. Please answer only if you have model 2608BS, thanks! | |
WANTED:Retired couple looking for a Diesel Pusher with or without slide, 30' to 36' must have a clean interior and has been mechanically maintained. We are cash buyers for a realistically priced coach, will travel to view. Reply in confidence. | |
WANTED:2015-2016 Pleasureway Plateau TS. 3.0L V6, low mileage. Dark cabinets with creme ulta leather. | Phone: 760-777-1757 Phone: 714-290-6602 La Qunita Lindakgraves@gmail.com |
WANTED:FORETRAVEL - 36', 1998-2002 No Slide U320, 1999-2003 No Slide U295. Must have solid mechanical maintenance history and no/minimal rust. No Smoking coaches only. Will travel for right coach after detailed pictures. Cash Buyer. | |
WANTED:WANT TO TRADE: Nice 2000 36' Holiday Rambler Ambassador Diesel Pusher for a Class C Motor Home with 3 slides (no 1 or 2 slide responses please.) Ramble has 24,441 miles and well maintained. Value of trade must have a NADA Book Value of at or near $41,000. If interested email me at for a complete set of pictures, and all specifications will be provided. Age is dictating the necessity to trade down. For more information, goto Click Here | Charlie Frisco, Texas Phone: 972-712-9022 charliereed12@sbcglobal.net |
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WANTED:WASHER/DRYER unit similar to a Splendide. I only have a 24-3/4" wide space. Needs to be a combo Washer and Dryer. No Stackers. Working or Not(I can make repairs). | Chuck Pacific Northwest Area Phone: 510-504-7935 |
WANTED:A 2010 or newer 45’ Newmar. I am keen on the following: 1. All electric (No propane). 2. The combination desk with buffet dinette. (Rare as most have a booth style dinette.) 3. Stacking washer/dryer. 4. Solar panels. 5. Insulated for Canadian winter operations. (I know, another rare feature.) Do you have a well maintained Newmar coach and are thinking of selling? If so please email me at yvr1973pilot@yahoo.com if you have any questions or want more information. | |
WANTED:Want to Trade Boat for RV. Will trade or sell my Custom fiberglass 42ft Sportfish boat powered by 2 /6BTA/300hp Cummins diesels. for up to 36ft gas or diesel Motorhome. Located in Louisiana. | |
WANTED:For Sale or Trade beautiful 5000 sq ft custom log home with guest cabin and large shop for high end 40-45 ft coach valued around 200k. Home is currently listed for $725,000. Partially furnished on 4.4 acres in beautiful Swan Valley, Idaho. A great investment opportunity! Private party, NO SOLICITORS! | |
WANTED:Wanted: a small used molded fiberglass trailer: an ESCAPE 17' or 19' trailer or a Scamp 16' or 19' or a Casita 16' or 17' with shower/toilet/heat/air conditioning within a 250mi/400km or so, radius of Calgary | |
WANTED:WANTED! Truck AND truck camper (slide-in)! Up to 40,000 "IMMEDIATE CASH" Exceptionally maintained, 1 ton or larger, 4x4, long bed, dually, gas or diesel. Again "IMMEDIATE CASH", be it $10,20,30,40,000, for the right combo. | |
WANTED:Wanted: Any one with 2008 or newer Newell Motorcoach that will trade for property or 1st trust deeds. | |
WANTED:Wanted: Motorhome, Have classic boat PLUS up to $50,000 available to purchase motorhome, wife insists the boat must go before purchasing another toy. The boat can be seen at hydroplanegentlemansracer.com. The boat is about $115,000 to build today, but willing to look at any offers for the right coach. Thanks. | |
WANTED:Class A, handicap wheelchair accessible, diesel pusher motorhome. 38+ ft. with 2+ slides, handicap driver controls not needed but roll in shower a must and other handicap features a plus. 2004 or newer in vg condition and well equipped. | |
WANTED:Wanted: 2003-2005 36' Monaco Camelot or Windsor with 3 slides and miles under 30K miles, or 36' Beaver Monterey with 3 slides and miles under 30K miles. Prefer Western Canada or Pacific Northwest. | |
WANTED:We are looking for a somewhat older, used 30'-32' diesel pusher, class A manufactured by Beaver, Monaco, Country Coach, Winnebago, or one of equal quality. No older than 1998, and no high miles please. Must be in very good condition and reasonably priced. Prefer at least one slide-out, but will possibly consider w/o. Will travel for right one. Looking for 30'-32' ONLY. | |
WANTED:Want to trade, part trade, sell my 2008 Class C Winnebago View 24J diesel with 17400 miles for a 2008 or newer 26-30ft fifth wheel w/slide, with or without Chevy/GMC 3/4T extcab standard bed truck. Motorhome value approx $60,000. | |
WANTED:WANTED-Looking for a Winnebago Journey 2003-2006 diesel pusher, 32'-36', low mileage, exc. condition, email photos, spec sheet and reasonably priced. | |
WANTED:Wanted- RV 1998-2002 with two slides, diesel pusher Cummins 300-350 horsepower. 38-40 ft., low mileage, 6 speed allison transmission. 22.5 tires, tow pkg., 2000 watt invertor, solar panels, auto-leveling jacks, jake brakes, block heater, 7.5 onan generator, 100 gal fuel, 50-60-gal septic tank, surround sound, queen size bed, washer/dryer option, maintenance records, must deliver, still working! Will pay CASH. | |
WANTED:Want to trade 3 BR 2 1/2 bath, 1 car garage, 1531 SF, townhouse condo, gated community for 2004 or newer diesel pusher, prefer air leveling susp., diesel generator, Models: Newmar, Monaco, Beaver, American Coach, Winnebago Tour, will consider others. | |
WANTED:Semi-retired man looking for 21-22 ft motorhome Class B/B+/C-/C. I've looked at the Coachmen Starflyte and like them but will consider any unit that is small & heavy duty enough for occassional towing. | |
WANTED: TRADEWanted! Class A Diesel Pusher 39-40 ft. 2002 to 2005 in trade for a 1932 Ford Roadster; a Dearborn Deuce Show Car. The car has a build value of $140,000 with only 2300 miles on it. | |
WANTED:COUNTRY COACH WANTED by PRIVATE PARTY - CASH! Will purchase a 42’-45’ Intrigue, Magna, or Affinity, from 2005 to 2008. Prefer a coach with a Booth Style Dinette & Euro Lounger, but contact me before you sell or consign. No Dealers! | |
WANTED:Wanted 2000 to 2004 36’ to 40’ Quality coach diesel pusher 2 to 3 slides Country Coach, Beaver, Monico, Newmar, American Eagle or like quality well maintained & clean. Cash buyer! Will travel west coast for the right coach. Need pictures. | |
WANTED:Wanted to trade our 2009 Monaco Monarch for 36-38 foot Beaver or Allegro Bus. Looking for a 2006 or newer unit with four slides if possible. Only sizes will work 40 foot coach will not be acceptable. | |
WANTED:Wanted: 2000+ 30' - 36' Class A Diesel Motorhome in good condition, prefer at least one slide. Prefer Beaver, Monaco or Holiday Rambler. Have cash to purchase. Please e-mail photos and location. |