RV Online Letters of Appreciation

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RV Online,

Thanks...................by the way .........that was our 3rd rv we sold with you all................and now buying another one.... each time a little bigger and newer.................have shopped a lot of sites but yours is the best Ive seen................so easy to navigate ....especially for old people who arent real sharp on the computer like me.................which happens to be your best rv buyers..................I have sent a lot of people to your site.................soooooo professional.....and a no nonsense approach.

THANKS Charley in Missouri

RV Online.com,

Our 1999 Alpenlite fifth wheel, (32RK) has sold. Please remove it from your site. We wish to thank you for your service. We had this unit listed at various places including the local newspaper and Craig's list for over a year. We had more response in the first month after listing with your service than we had the entire time with the other services combined. Sincerely,

RV Online.com,

Hello, I'm the owner of the 2002 R-Vision Trail-Lite Class A 25'. I would like to let you all know that I have sold my motorhome. One nice elderly couple had seen my listing on your website and they turned out to be the new owners of my motorhome! I would like to thank you all so much for the wonderful service you have provided and all of you people are #1 when it comes to listing an RV for sale on the internet. Thank you and I hope you all have a nice day!

RV Online.com,

We have sold our trailer, thank you once again. We have now sold a motorhome and trailer via your website. Makes it so convenient!
Donand and Jackie

RV Online.com,

Please mark it SOLD!

Your service is obviously widely viewed. We had a lot of interest and sold the camper in 3 days. The lookers kept me very busy sending information. Should the need ever arise, I would use your service again. Also, your price for the ad is just right.
A word to the buyers. Don't hesitate, the good ones go quick.
A word to the sellers, I am another one of the many satisfied customers! Run the ad.

RV Online.com,

RV Online is terrific! This is the second RV we have sold through your site. The first one we sold in one day. This second one we also sold the first day, but it fell through that night due to a medical emergency of the buyer. We sold it again three days later. We got several calls, and could have sold several RVs, I think. We priced them fairly, and one sold for a bit less than we listed it, and the other sold for full price. We had listed our first one in our local paper, and didn't even get any calls. This second time, we didn't even bother with the paper. It is amazing how many people look for rv's on this site. We did too, and bought our second one through RV online. What a great service your provide!

RV Online.com,

Please mark my ad sold. We delivered our coach to its new owners today. What results from you web site. In less than 48 hours we had a deposit on the way to us and delivered to the new owner in less than 2 weeks. As a matter of fact I could have sold 2 additional coaches if I had them to sell. Thanks for a great web site, you sure got the job done for us. We would recommend your site to everyone contemplating selling their motorhome, Sincerely

RV Online.com,

Good morning, Just to let you know our RV has been sold! Please take it off your site. Thank you for all your help. I would recommend your service to anyone! Just to let you know, 95% of the people who called us about the motor home saw it on RV Online first!

RV Online.com,

I would not have believed the action that ad precipitated! The trailer was sold today and I would like to have the ad reflect that. If you want a testimonial, this is it. ONE WEEK, WOW. The buyer for my trailer came from Wilmington, MA. I think that is about 50-75 miles from Stratham.
Thank you,

RV Online.com,

Thank you so much for helping us sell our RV. We put the ad in several newspapers with very little respond. After listing with RVonline we were swamped with replys. We just wanted to let you know that our New Adventures'Easy Street has been sold and we appreciate the outstanding ad coverage that was given to our travel trailer.
Phil and Corlis, LA

RV Online.com,

I have sold my motorhome, 2000 Holiday Rambler Endeavor. Your ad worked better than all of the other internet mediums combined. I got 4-5 times more responses from your site.
Best Regards,
Ernie, NC

RV Online,

I closed on the RV today. Its sold.

In addition to advertising with RVOnline I was running an ad in the local paper. I received several inquires through the RVOnline ad but NO calls from the newspaper ad. Matter of fact I have received two more calls this week, one from Georgia the other from Texas, inquiring about the motor home. Bottom line is you have one very satisfied customer here and I would highly recommend to anybody interested in selling their motor home to use RVOnline.

Thanks again for your help.

RV Online.com,

Just wanted to let you know that our Motorhome has been sold. Ironically, a couple living where we do, saw the ad on the internet. Came over to look at it and the deal was finalized today. We want to thank you for all your help.
Ron & Rochelle


Wanted to let you know my RV (1992 hitchhiker 5th wheel) has been sold. I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the results I had with placing it on rvonline.com. The adv. came on line one evening, I rec'd a call the next day, they came to see it 5 days later and down paymt was made --the sale was completed 2 weeks later. You can mark it SOLD. I just helped a friend get his info. ready to put his motor home (alegro) on your line for sale. Again, I can't thank you enough for the results I had with advertising on your rvonline.com


Just wanted to thank you I sold my camper had a lot of e- mails and calls on it. I sold it in about 1 week. This was better then the newspaper ad and much cheaper. Not only did I sell mine I bought one from RV Online. This is the place to sell and buy.


I listed my 2000 Class A Motorhome for sale with RVONLINE.com this past Friday evening. I submitted my form along with a picture and was surprised to see it posted almost immediately afterwards. Even a minor change submission was handled promptly. But the real story here is that the ad generated a sale almost immediately. A potential buyer called on Saturday morning, scheduled a walk thru on Sunday morning, at which time I received a good offer. Thanks so much for offering such a great service! Please list my unit as sold.

RV Online,

I tried most every RV site possible to sell our barely used coach. We had ordered a new one and it was going to be 6-7 weeks. Well I had bought a coach before of RV Online and was pleased they way they listed, etc. Well much to my surprise when I was now the person "selling" the response was by FAR the most from RV Online. I paid much, much more at some "other" locations and I can almost bet that I received no calls, emails, etc. from the more expensive web sites! I had some good response and, of course, a lot of "lookers". Was able to get a deal put together and was pleased as I hated to see it trade when another buyer could save the markup that it would bring on a lot. I know a lot of people are a "little afraid" to use internet sites and buy something they can't necessarily see.....BUT.....if a person knows what they want and the floorplans and features their looking for.....RV Online can put you in touch with usually several good buys. RV Online WAS THE ONLY ONE WORTH THE MONEY! I'll not only look here again but will always sell here too!
Steve, Arkansas

RV Online,

Thank you, our 1989 Safari Serengeti Hit Tech has been sold for the asking price.

Please put a sold sign on ad as we are receiving many contacts each day. Only wish we had more to sell!!! The response was overwhelming...must have had over 25 inquiries in about as many days. In the end, we actually had a waiting list.

The buyer actually drove over 2100 miles in 2 1/2 days to buy it. I had two other people who were ready to forward deposits if our buyer decided against it. I had no idea this was so popular. Lots of buyers out there...too bad there are not more sellers aware of the opportunity.

I do think that it helps if the sellers look up actual wholesale and retail values and do not expect to make a killing...be realistic!

Bob and Nancy

RV Online,

Hooray Hooray, we sold it today. Please place a sold logo on our 1996 Winnebago Adventurer 34 RQ. Your RV Online service produced many inquires and a man from Ohio flew to Albuquerque, bought it and drove it back to Ohio. The picture quality and extensive description gave him the confidence to take the chance, and we are both happy. Thanks again,

Jim & Yvonne

RV Online,

Your ads do work! The Chinook motorhome I advertised drew someone down all the way from Alaska to purchase it. Nice folks. Anyway, please put a sold sign on the Chinook. Thanks!


RV Online,

This motor home has sold already. You put the page up Thursday, a guy called Thursday evening and came and drove it off this evening. Thanks for listing it so quickly. You can mark it sold or take it off.


RV Online,

We sold the motorhome the very first day the ad was placed with your service!! The call came at 9pm Friday night, they came at 8:00am the next morning and gave us an offer. We said we needed to think about it. They called back that night, came again on Sunday, gave us another offer which we accepted. The new owners picked up their new motorhome tonight!! WOW!!

Please cancel our ad so we do not receive anymore calls.

Thank you very much.


RV Online,

We sold our 1993 28ft Bounder Motorhome, thanks to your ad. We live in a remote area so it was hard to get the word out any other way. Thanks so much.


RV Online,

This is to let you know that our Motor home SOLD. Thank you very much. We got a very good price on it and lots of inquires. The fee charged was very well worth it. The person who purchased our Motor Home was a very qualified cash buyer. So your on-line service is attracting nice up standing people, and we appreciated that also. You have some very fine coaches listed. But the best one is gone!!!!!! While we had our ad with you all, we also took an ad in local paper, which was expensive for what you got and the time it ran---I got NO response. We also tried a major Magazine. Which was very expensive, but covered a hugh area. We got ONE responsive. So appreciate your being there.

Sharon M.

RV Online,

Regarding our M/H ad, IT IS SOLD! The first party to respond to the ad, looked at it, drove it, loved it, and bought it. Deal was completed yesterday.. Please remove our ad or mark it sold, your choice. We have told many friends about your service and it has generated a lot of interest from both buyers and sellers. Thank you very much for having this service available to folks like us.

With best regards,
Otto V.

RV Online,

I have sold my motor home and want to thank you very much for the GREAT SERVICE and SUPPORT. I would be more then willing to tell the whole web that yours is the BEST!

RV Online,

Thank you for your services. Please cancel our add. My '94, 37' Challenger 5th Wheel has sold. The buyer does not even have a computer at home. We've received more interest from the internet ad in 2 months than we did in magazines and newspapers in 6 months. Thanks again.

Del K.
Thorp WA

RV Online,

We sold our Vectra and are happy that we had the great opportunity to place our ad on your site. I recomend your RV Online to anyone who want to sell their RV. I must add that due to the colorful site that we had on, a doctor in Houston, bought our Vectra, sight unseen, due to low mileage, and the way your presented our ad in color. Again, thanks.

Richard Z.
Wichita Falls, Texas

RV Online,

Thanks to RV Online I sold my RV. I had it advertised other places for 6 months without any real activity. 2 1/2 months with you and I had a number of prospects and several really active. Thanks again.

Paul P.

RV Online,

I have just completed the purchase of a beautiful 26' Lazy Daze which I found on your web site. The former owners said that they had not advertised the coach anywhere else. The information on the coach was so complete that we didn't hestitate to drive the 124 miles to see it. It was love at first sight and we thank you for being cupid for us.

Miles and Nancy H.
Coronado, California

RV Online,

I have sold my 1997 Monaco Windsor to the first person who came and looked at it as a result of your ad. In fact I had close to 20 responses to my ad since you started running it. I was very happy with the way you presented the copy and pictures, it looked great.

Craig P.

RV Online,

Well, the lady from Texas didn't come to see it, but she was still trying to nail down some financing when Tom in New York bought it. We also had a woman in California who was trying to get a loan.

All in all, we had responses from New York, Texas, Connecticut, Ohio, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and even a missionary in Hong Kong. And those are just the people we knew where they were from. There were a lot of casual inquiries that never let us know their location.

I would guess that from your site we got around 20 inquiries, of which around half were serious buyers actively looking for an RV. We only got two responses from a newspaper ad here in Indy, neither very serious; and one couple who walked by Mom's house--not serious at all. My mother even spent $300 on a buyer locator service, from whom we have heard nothing since they cashed the check.

So you can see we're really, REALLY pleased with your service. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have gotten any serious response at all. But because of you guys, we had three people fighting to see who could get the financing to buy it first. Tom in New York won.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


RV Online,

In answer to your question about the amount of replys I received for the Internet ad I would guess about 10 to 15. Some just asked me if it was still for sale and others asked if I would take XXX amount of dollars for it. I had three serious inquirys that lead to telephone calls. Two were waiting for the weather to get better before they came out to see the rig.

The couple who bought it lived the closest, about 300 miles from me so they came and looked at the rig one weekend. They were actually the first people to look at it in person. I might also say that I never did list it anywhere else but the Internet.

I would have never guessed that an ad on the Internet would work and I would sell my motor home. I am now a believer and have told my friends of which one will be putting their rig up for sale soon. I gave them your Wed site info so they could see the nice job you did on my ad. I was really please to see the ad you did for me.

David S.

RV Online,

Thank you for your web site and the result that it has produced for me. 49 faxes have travelled between the buyer and myself during a stressful two weeks.

The buyer in in the navy, in Portland Maine, in transit to Panama city and Key West. His loan is from Alaska. He stopped here to day for an inspection and we closed. 40 footers are as I found out not that easy to sell. People want to pay the price of a 30 foot. Again, thank you.

Oh yes, I should tell you that it is the Itasca DXL Suncruiser.
Earl R.

RV Online,

Just wanted you to know that the RV I had listed with RV Online, has been sold, and it was thru your ad. Unit went too buyer from Richwood Ky. just south of Cincinnati OH. about two hundred and fifty miles from us. Thanks again for your listing. Ron B.

RV Online,

We've sold our 96 Aerbus from your ad in rv online. Thanks so much for your help. Got our price too.

Don & Ann W.

RV Online,

I have sold my 1993 Allegro Bay Diesel Pusher 34'. Received many inquires from the ad in rv online. You have a nicely run area. Had ads in other areas, but this one was the best. Thanks.
Ed B.

Sample Listing 1
Sample Listing 2

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